This photo was shared on:
Roads and Kingdoms via Metrography Photoagency. 2019
Excerpts of Exchange in Doc Festival – Kassel, Germany. 2019
Metrography’s Photo Festival 2018 – Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. 2018
This photo sheds light on objectivity of women in Iraqi society, in many part of Iraq and Kurdistan region, women are covered and kept away from appearing in public. They’re sometimes not considered as individuals with rights and wills, these women are put in houses holds of men they marry and live through as a house worker and babysitter while also fulfilling the sexual tendencies of their husbands as religious majority and society pre-determines for women. killing away their minds and souls and even their very identity. On one side, women are raised and told that’s all what the future holds for them. And the other women who fall out of this conclusion which are highlighted as having “freedom” are given jobs and came into society in an objectifying way to serve a higher capitalist interest. which are also trained and told how women can fit into society. unfortunately both sides lead to the same outcome and tends to set a criteria for women to own their identities in. The photo shows the ideal state that females are precepted in – their identity covered but their sexual charms exposed in a contrast of colors and covers.